Ceramic tiles, especially porcelain stoneware tiles, are a floor solution that can create wonders for any house surface. Although we mostly see it used in the kitchen floor, bathroom, mudrooms, foyers, and other high trafficking surfaces, some passionate modern homeowners also use it in the bedroom and living area, especially in the warm climatic regions.

But hold on, the utilization of porcelain tiles is not limited to those things either. It can furnish things like backsplash, kitchen top, and other outdoor surfaces with sturdy porcelain tiles.
Key reasons for using Porcelain tiles on surfaces
There are hardly any drawbacks porcelain stoneware tiles have, so it is nearly impossible to go wrong with it no matter where you install them; there are numerous benefits in terms of aesthetic appeal and functional advantages. But the most important reasons of them all are:
A healthy and natural solution
Porcelain stoneware tiles are made from natural material and sustainable ceramic particles sourced from nature. Although they pass through a meticulous process, they do not contain any dangerous and harmful chemicals. Not having any plastic material, it is also easily recyclable. The raw materials come from sustainable sources, too, causing no harm to nature. Innately dry and water-resistant, they do not absorb any odour and bacteria, making them allergen-free and healthy. So, altogether, Porcelain is very safe, hygienic, and suitable for both the user and the environment.
Versatile design
Back in the past, we didn’t have a lot of room to explore with our floors. But tiles have made those days history and created an interior revolution with numerous design options. Versatility is one of the real advantages of porcelain tiles as it appears in multiple designs, styles, patterns, and textures. Therefore, it is a perfect solution if you want to decorate each part of the home differently. Furthermore, as they can be cut in any shape and size, the possibilities of surface designs with porcelain tiles are practically limitless.

Sturdy and durable
In terms of durability, there is hardly any match for Porcelain tiles. It can remain intact for 10-20 straight years with just a little maintenance. The solid ceramic body makes it too hard to break, and it requires a lot of weight to cause breakage. Hence, there is no worry about any crack and stretch created by the heavy furniture. Besides, with rugged fire-proofing safeguarding the tiles against flames and temperature change, no wonder why this type of solid flooring is also suitable for commercial space and any heavy traffic outdoor area.

Easy maintenance
Ceramic tiles made with porcelain stoneware are tough and have a solid surface, which means it does not hold onto any dirt and dust or insulate waters. Thus, there is no extra care needed to maintain them. Instead, you can easily clean the tiles with simple sweeping and vacuuming. Then, to remove heavy stains, spills and stretch, wipe it up with any floor cleaner through a mop or sponge, and the surface will dazzle anew.