Whether you are a contractor starting your first construction project or a seasoned professional, using a timeline maker can help keep everything organized and on track.
A timeline is an essential part of any plan and can help you keep track of milestones, deadlines, and tasks. You can go old school and use pen and paper for a timeline, or you can opt for an easier way which is using an online timeline maker. Here are 10 ideas for creating your construction project timeline with the help of an online timeline maker.
1. Find an online timeline maker that is easy to use and fits your needs
The first step in creating a timeline for your construction project is finding an online timeline maker that understands the unique challenges of construction planning. Look for software that offers features specifically tailored to the construction industry, such as the ability to include milestones, dependencies, and critical path analysis. Venngage’s timeline maker software is an excellent option that provides user-friendly drag-and-drop editing and offers templates and customizable options designed for construction projects. With Venngage, you can easily create professional-looking timelines that align with your project brochure design and effectively communicate your construction planning challenges and milestones.

2. Use a timeline creator to keep track of all the important dates
With an online timeline creator, you can create a schedule for your project and automatically enter all of the basic information about the due date, duration, and more. Don’t forget to include all of the milestones along with estimated start and end dates. This will help you plan out your progressions throughout the entire construction process.
3. Track tasks as they are completed with an online timeline creator
Most timeline makers allow you to customize different aspects of your timetable, including whether or not tasks can be moved forward or back at certain times. You could create several milestone markers that show when tasks are started, finished, delayed even changed completely which will automatically update the entire timeline.
4. Track multiple projects with an online timeline creation tool
It’s easy to create separate timelines for different construction projects in a single program, and not have to worry about switching from one software to another when it’s time to move on from the first project. You can use any timeline maker that allows you to keep all your projects under one roof, no matter how many you may need to stay organized and complete each project successfully.
5. Want a unique look for your construction timetable? Your options are endless!
There are plenty of free online timeline creation tools available with tons of customization options ranging from custom backgrounds, fonts, icons, and graphs. With so many choices at your disposal, creating the perfect chart or graphic is easy when you have a timeline creator from Venngage.
6. Include a picture or graphic of your project to bring it to life!
A construction timeline may be a little easier to follow when there are pictures and graphics involved, or even something as simple as a company logo that will represent the different stages in the process. Putting an image at each milestone marker adds visual interest and helps keep your timeline from looking boring.

7. Make changes whenever you need to with an online timeline generator
All good plans benefit from being flexible, so if you need to make changes along the way don’t worry about editing your chart manually because most timelines can be edited with the click of a button and added, removed or changed right away.
8. Add hyperlinks to important pages within your project timeline
You can add web links to any part of the construction schedule with a tool like Google Docs that will allow you to link your timelines directly to your website and provide potential clients with access to more information about your company, similar projects and more!
9. Keep everyone up-to-date with an online timeline creator
Once you’ve created a timetable for your project you can share it easily either by exporting it for use in another software or sharing it directly with anyone who needs it through most timelines such as Venngage’s timeline maker. This feature is very helpful in meeting the deadlines you set for yourself and your team.

10. Make your construction schedule stand out!
You can create timelines created with an online timeline generator that will automatically update when you make changes which means it’s easy to keep everyone updated on the current situation, and also let them know exactly when certain milestones are going to be completed.
So, there you have it! Venngage makes it easy to create timelines with drag and drop tools and templates. You can also track your tasks as they are completed to ensure that everything is on schedule. Plus, you can track multiple projects at the same time. Sign up with Venngage today and see how easy it is to get started creating beautiful timelines for your business or personal projects!