5 Advantages of Clean Solar Panels


    Green and sustainable renewable energy has become an important feature for homeowners and businesses today. What’s the most popular sustainable feature to add to a home? Solar panels. Investing in solar panels is one such decision you can make.

    If you do invest in solar panels, don’t forget about the maintenance required to ensure they work to their fullest potential. Investing in maintenance through regular cleaning services from a reliable brand such as BAM Commercial Window Cleaning has undeniable benefits – something you can look forward to once you buy your panels.

    Since solar panels are placed on outside space, regular cleaning will be required to prevent the buildup of dirt and debris over time. Of course, you could do it yourself. However, DIY may not be the best idea for you, which is why choosing a professional cleaning company assures you of value for your money. At the end of the day, they have the right set of tools and staff to do the job for you. As such, you can focus your worry on other issues.

    What are some of the advantages of a clean solar panel? They include the following five:

    1. Increase energy generation

    Solar panels rely on the sun’s rays to generate clean energy. Any form of hindrance to them would mean less solar energy production, which is something you never have to worry about if cleaned regularly. Dirt and debris, such as dust and excrement from birds, are common forms of buildup that may occur on them.

    Once you have your solar panels cleaned professionally, you are assured of maximum green energy production since the sun’s rays land on it with no blocking matter. If your board has dust accumulated over time, you will notice a drop in energy production, which could mean using an alternative source that may be expensive for you.

    2. Extended life of your investment

    Another advantage of clean solar panels is that they remain durable. Buying solar panels, whether big or small, is relatively expensive. Therefore, maintenance will be required. Cleaning ensures there is no need to purchase or repair your panel due to dirt accumulation defects.

    While cleaning your panels, remember safe practices in cleaning to prevent you from damaging them. For instance, do not use pressure washing as an option, for the panels are fragile and may break due to high-jetting power.

    3. Benefit from warranties

    Once you purchase your solar panel, you will be issued a warranty for a stipulated time duration. The warranty has a clause that states there has to be proof of maintenance and regular cleaning to benefit from services attached in case of anything.

    Therefore, if you do not maintain your panels clean over time, you may not warrant any benefits such as repairs or replacement of parts. Therefore, cleaning is important for any solar panel, whether small or large because manufacturing and vendor companies have a strict policy on claims on the warranty.

    4. Prevent permanent staining

    Stains can deprive your solar panels of their power and stutter their overall performance. Bird droppings are a common source of these stains, making pigeon-proofing an essential preventive measure. Therefore, you must have your panels cleaned using the right friendly solutions and equipment to prevent any of them.

    Permanent stains and bird droppings also derail your panel’s durability, which means you may have to replace it over time if you are not careful. Additionally, protecting your solar panels from pigeons by installing deterrents can significantly reduce these issues. They lead to less power production, which is certainly not what you want when investing in this cost-saving source of energy. Stains and droppings also make your solar panels look unattractive, which can be quite disturbing, given that some are installed on the roof or lawn area.

    5. Rain may not do the job

    Waiting for the rain to do the job for you may not be the best idea. Solar panel stains may be hard to remove from rain, and hence cleaning is inevitable. A clean solar panel prevents the buildup of dirt both beneath it and on the upper surface and lets you enjoy maximum energy production.

    While thinking about the rain as your safe pass to cleaning the solar panel, remember there are also other parts of it apart from the glass. A cleaning company with the knowledge on how to clean solar panels assures you of professional cleaning, and no issue may arise after cleaning. Therefore, they will save you the hassle of keeping on stressing when it will rain and have your panel clean.

    Wrap up

    Solar systems are energy-saving and produce environmentally friendly renewable energy. Investing in a cleaning company would mean quality energy production and lots of dollars saved in electrical utility. The undeniable benefits of cleaning your solar panels are, therefore, worth your money, and investing in a reliable and professional brand should be a crucial decision you should make.


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