Home Technology Security Checklist for Your Commercial Property

Security Checklist for Your Commercial Property

Security Checklist

As experts in Fire and Security in Bristol, we are often asked about the steps you can take to increase the security of your commercial property or premises. With benefits such as reducing insurance premiums and increasing your staff’s safety – there are many reasons to invest in a comprehensive security system or systems. 

If you follow this security checklist, you will be able to improve the security of your property and act to combat risks such as fire, theft or damage to your property. 

● Create a security risk assessment. During this assessment, you need to consider all of your security risks and whether these need to be addressed. These are well-suited to be carried out alongside your health & safety risk assessment.

● Review your current security systems. Are they older systems that could be upgraded? Has your business operations changed which means you need to invest in additional security measures? Have regulations changed? All of these aspects can affect the effectiveness of your current security measures.

● Review your security processes. This could extend into the realms of cyber security and general security. Do you have the relevant training in place for employees for security risks? Do you need to appoint a security officer or designated staff member to promote and manage the security of your building?

● Deal with your top priorities first and arrange all of your priorities in order of importance. Create a roadmap of when you need to deal with these security issues and put a relevant action plan in place with specific times as to when you are going to deal with or mitigate potential risks.

Creating a Concise Security Risk Assessment

A health and safety risk assessment is a legal requirement every year and needs to be carried out by a ‘competent person.’ It’s a great idea to carry out a security risk assessment alongside this as some aspects do tend to overlap. When carrying out your security risk assessment, think about the following:

● Have your security requirements changed since your last assessment or benchmark your current requirements if this is the first time carrying out an assessment? Your business will evolve over time so this may mean that you need to put additional security measures in place. 

● If you are holding additional stock, new stock or have additional assets on your premises then you may want to invest in fire control systems, access control and more advanced security systems to protect your stock or assets.

● If you have inherited a property after purchase – their systems may be older or outdated. Investing in new systems can increase staff security as well as protect your business and can decrease insurance premiums.

● You will also want to review your current security processes. Education of staff and putting into place specific processes are key to increasing the overall security of your building. 

Creating an Action Plan to Mitigate Security Risks

Once you have identified all of the potential security risks for your business, it’s time to put an action plan into place. It’s highly important to put together a time-based, sensible and achievable plan of action. Organise the most urgent risks first into a list and then put this action plan into effect. Your attitude to risks occurring will be important and different businesses and business owners will have different approaches to different types of risk. Working with a dedicated fire and security company can also help with this task. They can help you review all of the potential risks that your business premises may face and then recommend the relevant systems to install to prevent these risks from occurring. 


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