Housing shortages have been prevalent throughout the UK for many decades, but they’ve become increasingly noticeable over recent years.
With the property market currently missing over 4 million homes, and many people struggling with long council waiting lists and rising private rents, there’s an ever-increasing need for more properties.
Also, with rising bills and general costs, record numbers of people are looking to downsize their properties to save cash.
One solution that is accessible to many individuals who own a house that’s too large is to split your home into two flats.
This approach could potentially bring in additional income for you, especially if you choose to rent out the second flat yourself. If you sell it, you can make a lump sum, which could be useful in the future.
Whatever option you decide on, you need to start by thinking about the logistics of renovating your property and turning it into two or more flats. It might seem like a challenging project, but is it really that hard? We explore some of the major ramifications and how they could affect you.
Planning Permission Requirements
To convert a property into flats, you’ll need planning permission for the subdivision from your local council. Also, if you own a listed building, then you’ll need to apply separately for consent to make the changes necessary to turn it into flats. You’ll need to understand what you need to apply for and who to go to, so consider working with a range of experts and those who have experience converting houses into flats. This support will help you to ensure that you are fully compliant and that you don’t face any issues later in the project.
Legal Issues To Consider
When splitting a property into flats, you’ll need to keep the freehold yourself, or sell it to a company, while turning each flat into a leasehold property. You could also consider a shared freehold, but this can be challenging to manage. When you’re splitting a home into flats, you’ll need to work with experienced residential conveyancing solicitors. Wilford Smith offers a range of services, including leaseholder enfranchisement, transfer of ownership, landlord services and more. So, you’ll be able to get the legal services and support you need.
How It Could Affect Your Mortgage
If you have a mortgage on your home, then you might need to talk to your current mortgage provider and consider remortgaging. Depending on what you’re doing with the other part of the property might affect your new mortgage. For example, if you’re going to rent out the other flat and live in one, you might need a buy-to-let mortgage for that part of the property. Alternatively, if you want to sell it, then you might have to make an agreement to end part of your mortgage prematurely and may have additional fees to pay. Talk to your broker or provider to find out more about how the project will affect your mortgage and what you can do to deal with this effectively.
Converting a house into flats can be a great way to make the most of your space and, potentially, earn some extra money from your property. This article should help you to understand the basics, but every project is different. So, you need to speak to the professionals and work out the best approach for your property and needs.